What is Normalization in DBMS?
In this course, we will study what is normalization in DBMS and its types: first normal forms, second normal forms, third normal forms, Boyce and Codd...
Data Model in DBMS (Database Management System)
In this course, we will study Data Model in DBMS (Database Management System) and its types: entity-relationship, relational, object-oriented, object-relational, and semi-structured.
What is Data...
What is Entity Relationship Model in DBMS: ER Diagram
In this tutorial, We will study what is Entity Relationship Model in DBMS, and the components of the ER diagram – entity, attributes, relationships, keys,...
What is DBMS Architecture?
In this tutorial, We will study what is DBMS architecture, and the types of DBMS architecture 1-tier architecture, 2-tier architecture, and 3-tier architecture. So let us start.
What is Data Independence in DBMS?
In this blog, We will study what is data independence in DBMS (database management system)?, the types of data independence, the difference between them,...
What is Database Management System – DBMS
In this tutorial, We will study What is Database Management System - DBMS the difference between data and information, the file system & advantages...